• Inspiration from nature

    About Us

    Aerarium Handelshaus GmbH was specially created for the professional implementation of an investment project for the complex and deep processing of medicinal raw materials and especially valuable plant species for the production of native botanical substances and biologically active substances.

    The project is based on the latest patented technologies, which allow you to activate/micronize the natural raw phyto materials in such a way that the plant’s natural beneficial substances retain their native form to the maximum and become easily accessible to the body.

    Our technologies facilitate the production of biologically active substances, avoid thermal and chemical processing of raw materials with the loss of many useful components that are inherent in traditional technologies.

    Controlled cultivation of valuable raw materials and their procurement, smart and high-tech processing without generating waste, our own formulations of dietary supplements, cosmetics and our own production in accordance with GMP standards are a guarantee of efficiency and quality and the basis of our activity.

    We are open for cooperation and welcome new partners and customers.


    The entire production program and product range is based on the capabilities of the new resonant vortex micronization technology and the activation of any kind of raw materials.

    KNOW-HOW: the vortex method opens and destroys the skeleton and shell of a plant cell, consisting of polysaccharide macromolecules, which are almost not digested in the human stomach, thus, biologically active intracellular substances are released into activated phytomass, from which the necessary biologically active substances are then released, or others are technologically added to form useful complexes. At the same time, the complex of biologically active substances of a particular plant after such grinding is maximally preserved in its native state, since there was no chemical or thermal effect on the material.Bioavailability (assimilation) of such products by the body reaches almost 100%.

    Raw materials

    Organic phyto raw materials

    Own eco-plantations of medicinal raw materials in Cyprus, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Greece.

    Original recipes

    Own pro forma formulations of medicines and dietary supplements.

    Own technologies

    Deep processing of raw materials and obtaining biologically active botanical native substances.

    Organic matter

    No chemicals and synthetics, only natural substances from plants in their native state

    The range of raw materials for the Aerarium Handelshaus GmbH includes more than 40 types of medicinal and valuable plants, some of which the holding cultivates on its eco-plantations on its own, and some is purchased from state-controlled and verified suppliers and harvesters of wild plants.

    These plants and/or their biologically active substances, after their activation, are components of a number of products: therapeutic and prophylactic preparations, dietary supplements and functional cosmetics with effective properties. All raw materials undergo laboratory control and certification in the EU.



    For functional nutrition and herbal medicine.


    For pharmacology, cosmetic and food industry.


    For pharmacology and dietary supplements industry.


    Activated Mineral Matrices.

    Product and packaging examples


    Our wholesale buyers and participants are cosmetic and biopharmaceutical companies from Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, UAE etc.

    At the request we prepare any wholesale batches of products from phyto-raw materials, micropowders, concentrates, mixtures, as well as activated mineral matrices, which are a natural filler for dietary supplements, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and sources of mobile (biogenic) trace elements.


      Aerarium Handelshaus GmbH
      Kägiswilerstrasse 15
      6060, Sarnen, Switzerland