• Digital and Personalized Healthcare

    Aerarium GmbH has organized its activities into four key divisions since 2020:

    Controlled Eco-Friendly Cultivation of Medicinal and Valuable Plants

    • Located in the Republic of Cyprus, our plantation specializes in the cultivation, selection, and seed production of valuable plants. We use innovative processing methods to extract native botanical substances and biologically active compounds.
    • We’ve developed over 130 new formulations using artificial intelligence, aimed at creating unique products in cosmetics, dietary supplements, and health preservation.
    • In 2025, we plan to open our own GMP-standard bio-factory in the EU and launch our products on the market. Currently, we supply high-quality plant raw materials such as licorice root, annual wormwood, ashwagandha, silver eucalyptus, Trinidad scorpion pepper, mandrake root, tribulus, rhodiola rosea, echinacea, and more.

    Health and Longevity Knowledge Systematization

    • We have funded the development and training of a special neural network to systematize human knowledge in health and longevity, from ancient healers to modern research.
    • With extensive experience in phytotherapy, new formulations, and a competent team of specialists and scientists, we are working on creating a unique rejuvenation and longevity clinic-institute.

    Participation in FUTURUM PLATFORM International Programs

    • As a representative of this platform in Switzerland, we are involved in creating the Free University of Digital Technologies, a fully remote educational institution based on AI and blockchain for higher education and professional development.
    • In 2024, we will present the White Paper and tokenization of this decentralized project. We also are sponsor of the electronic magazine FUTURUM (Voice of the Digital Age) in French and Spanish, with an editorial office in Switzerland.

    Blockchain Platform for Securitization and Tokenization of Real Assets

    • In collaboration with Cyprus-based PLS Smart Finance Solutions Ltd., we are developing a blockchain platform to securitize and tokenize real assets.
    • The originating company in Cyprus forms investment portfolios of real assets (RWA) in real estate and other valuable assets, including luxury items.
    • Combining project financing methods, non-bank asset securitization, and tokenization involves creating a licensed SPV. These new investment opportunities promise to be very exciting.


    Contact Us

      Aerarium Handelshaus GmbH
      Kägiswilerstrasse 15
      6060, Sarnen, Switzerland